My first Christmas was kind of neat. Some guy named "Santa" brought me this cool cow toy that plays sounds and music. Big Brother got me some head bands and a stuffed horsey (picture below). I love them both!
Mommy and Daddy said that a new year's resolution they have for me is to get me on a better "schedule." I guess they got tired of me screaming at them a lot lately. What am I supposed to do? I can't talk yet, so I had to come up with something. Whatever schedule they're getting me on, they apparently don't feel it's important enough to get me my own Google calendar-enabled smartphone. *shrug* I guess they're doing a good enough job keeping track of it, though, because I am getting to be a lot less cranky now.
I'm getting bigger all of the time! I've already outgrown my preemie clothes and some of my newborn-sized clothes are slightly snug. I guess my head is getting bigger, too, because a couple of my hats don't fit so well anymore -- they keep slipping off of my head!
I'm getting stronger all of the time, too! My head isn't nearly as floppy anymore and my legs can even hold me up when I lean against someone. Daddy and Mommy are always impressed by that and call me their "big girl"!
Daddy and Mommy are pretty entertaining sometimes. There are times that one of them is so funny that I'll actually give them a big smile to show them I'm happy! They like that a lot.
So I guess that's it for now. I've definitely got some pictures for you but this time I thought I'd throw in a little video of me performing my favorite song. Thanks for visiting and enjoy!

And now, the event you've all been waiting for: My video debut!