Friday, February 22, 2008

Laughter, the best medicine!

I love to laugh! I never knew something could be so much fun. I like to do it for all sorts of different reasons. For instance, when I am getting a new, clean diaper, I smile and laugh because it's soooo nice to have a new, clean diaper. Also, after Mommy has fed me, I like to smile and laugh, because it feels soooo good to have a full tummy!!!

I have also noticed that I when I begin to laugh, other people begin laughing and smiling too!!! It's amazing! Who knew that a little giggle from a little girl like me, could cause others to feel better! Mommy says, "Laughter really is the best medicine!"


A note from Bubby: Last week I was sticking my tongue out at Katherine and she started laughing, so I started laughing. We were laughing together for like 5 or 6 minutes!! It was AWESOME!!!!