So apparently, some guy named "Billy Ruben" has been bothering me some, so the mean nurses have turned on this bright blue light inside my apartment to scare him away. They say he brings some thing called "jaundice" and that I don't want any of that from him. I get to wear these really cool sunglasses while the light's on and get kind of a nice tan in the process! ;-)
I got a brand new visitor yesterday! Grandpa Glenn came to see me! He'd been in another hospital himself because his leg was hurting and they needed to fix it. So he finally broke out of there yesterday and the first thing he did was come to see me. Isn't that sweet? It was nice to hear him in person -- though I couldn't see him because of my sunglasses. Oh well.
Another first happened Saturday: Big Brother got to hold me for the very first time! That was awesome! After Mommy and Daddy held me for a little while, they gave Big Brother a shot at it and he did great. It was nice to be in his arms for just a little bit.
The mean nurses and Mommy and Daddy all say that I'm kind of impatient. I don't know what's up with that, because I'm pretty sure that being in a hospital means that I'm patient. Hello guys! My Daddy likes to tell other people "patience ain't just sick people in a hospital." Maybe that's what he's talking about? Anyway, I do the best I can to let the mean nurses do what they have to do to me and to not fuss and wiggle when feeding or getting my diaper changed. I guess I have some to work on, but that's okay. I'll get there, yeah?
The doctors and mean nurses seem to all think that I won't be here any more than 3 weeks, and some think it'll be quite a bit shorter than that. I'm SOOOOOOO looking forward to going home with Mommy, Daddy, and Big Brother soon. That'll be nice to get out of here.
I guess I just need to be patient.
Now, some more pictures!:
1 comment:
Katherine ;
This is a very nice way to update us all. Thank you.
I will come and see you tomorrow.
Grandpa, Gerd
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