It is with a great deal of humility that I share a bit of disturbing information with you. Daddy has decided that my head bands are so cute that he wants to wear one every once and a while. Mommy managed to catch him on camera doing this once and the picture below tells the whole story:

But seriously...
I thought I'd give you an update on how life is going for a now-three-month-old baby. That's right, I'm three months old as of Jan. 23! At my check-up the other day the doctor's office people said I'm 22 inches long!
I've settled into home pretty well. Mommy and Daddy are getting to know me better. They're pretty good at figuring out my cries and what they mean. I usually only fuss for one of three things: I'm hungry, I'm tired, or I -- gosh this is embarrasing -- I messed my pants.
Speaking of pants-related issues, I get a lot of air shooting out of my bottom. It's a bit disturbing. Where does this air come from in the first place and -- of all the places it could come out of me, why does it have to be my bottom?!
All of that aside, my favorite thing to do is smile. Mommy and Daddy are really starting to be quite entertaining! Daddy will do this thing where he touches parts of my face as he teaches me where my nose, chin, ears, cheeks and eyes are. I think it's pretty funny when he gets to my chin. I can't help but smile because it tickles a little!
And I kind of hate to say it, but that song that we sing together ("My God is So Big" that I sang in the video two entries ago) is starting to be pretty fun, too. I couldn't help but smile and laugh when we where doing it the other day!
So life is good. Thanks for reading, dear reader. Keep checking back for more about little ol' me.
Katie T
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